Lithuania - Polyglot Network

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Chào mừng Lithuania tới mạng lưới Polyglot


kristukas20x profile picture kristukas20xApril 2017
hello my name is Kristina. i would like learn English.
vytnau profile picture vytnauNovember 2016
Hello, my name is Vytautas. I would like practice my English.
Alburn profile picture AlburnAugust 2016
Bonjour je veux apprendre la langue fraçais
brangveil profile picture brangveilSeptember 2013
Hej alle sammen, jeg håber virkelig, at jeg kan finde en dansker, der vil gerne lære litauisk og snakke på dansk med mig Jeg bor i Vilnius!
avei profile picture aveiMarch 2013
Hello. I am avei. I like socialize, so if you want to have funny and interesting chat, text me
edvardas profile picture edvardasFebruary 2013
hello,my name is edvardas
demioselle-mg profile picture demioselle-mgNovember 2012

wink The most important language I would like to improve is PORTUGUESE (for now). Because, I am coming back to Porto (such a good news) and I need someone to talk to me a bit : )) 
If there are some portuguese  friends for me..... it will be just so great ! wink cheeky

Tạo sự kiện (Lithuania)

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